Antenatal Service Policies
Antenatal Care Policy and Management
For village midwives in the Municipality of Banda Aceh
Antenatal Care Policy and Management For Village Midwife In anda Aceh Municipality Wahyu Zulfansyah1, Mubasysyir Hasanbasri2, Cahya Purnama3 Background: In order to obtain qualified human resources, early prevention is needed even before born. Optimal antenatal care will affect on woman who deliver healthy and qualified baby. In Banda Aceh municipality, the first and fourth visit coverage of pregnant mother and delivery process that was assisted by health care provider is still beyond the target.
Objective: This research was aimed to find out antenatal policy and management for village midwife in Banda Aceh municipality. Method: This was a descriptive research that used case study design. Qualitative method was used to find out problem and obstacle in antenatal service by village midwife. Case study approach was used to investigate the contemporary phenomenon in the real life context whenever the border between phenomenon and the context was not clearly understood, the utilization of multi source and multi proof could be used for organizational and management studies. The data was collected by using interview, observation and document utilization.
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Result: The coverage of antenatal service in Banda Aceh municipality this time still beyond the target which was stated by Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia. The conducted effort to achieve the coverage target was by improving human resources through training, monitoring and evaluation, continuous supervision, giving incentive for village midwife, antenatal care socialization and the providence of facility and infrastructure in collaboration with cadre in the village.
Conclusion: Support was needed from every stakeholder in order to support the implementation of antenatal care. Keyword: antenatal care, village midwife.
1 District Health Office of Aceh Besar
2 Health Service Management, Gadjah Mada University
3 District Health Office of Sleman
1. Background
Condition of health development in Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam years 2005 was a very favorable development conditions when than 30 years of previous health and development is the first year after a natural disaster earthquake / tsunami and post-signing of MOU between GAM and the peace GoI will, in the previous year For the year the NAD is areas that are highly prone to security. Almost all sectors can said to be extremely difficult to develop due to an atmosphere of security is not conducive so that does not support the
pembangunan1. It is also felt in the health sector, many construction of facilities and infrastructure can not be done and supervised well. Placement of midwives in villages also have problems sufficient means remembering can not do the work entirely due to the conflict between GAM and GoI that vulnerable to security threats, so it is very disturbing the performance of health services. Maternal and child health programs is one of the priorities.
pembangunan1. It is also felt in the health sector, many construction of facilities and infrastructure can not be done and supervised well. Placement of midwives in villages also have problems sufficient means remembering can not do the work entirely due to the conflict between GAM and GoI that vulnerable to security threats, so it is very disturbing the performance of health services. Maternal and child health programs is one of the priorities.
Sumber : Penulis
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